January 9, 2024

World Wanderers Podcast: The Ultimate Podcasts Experience

Explore global tales with the World Wanderers Podcast. Delve into captivating journeys and stories from across the planet.
World Wanderers Podcast: The Ultimate Podcasts Experience

World Wanderers & the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

In the age of remote work, the allure of being a digital traveler has never been stronger. The dream of traveling the world, meeting new people in a new place, while maintaining a steady income is a reality for many. Enter the world wanderers, those brave souls who have decided to forgo the traditional 9-5, trading it in for adventures in places like Mexico, New Zealand, and Europe.

Digital Nomads: Revolutionizing Work and Travel

Sarah Karshovski and Alyssa Padgett, both proud wanderers, recently shared their experiences on the World Wanderers Podcast. This week on the podcast, they delve deep into the challenges and joys of being a digital traveler.

One of the highlights from their chat was the story of their time in New Zealand as 22-year-old budget backpackers looking for the best party hostel. They spoke of their deepest personal transformations during their travels and how they fell in love with travel. Both have since ventured to Southeast Asia and have traveled through Europe, recounting their favorite experiences to create a list of 10 awesome things they've done on their journeys.

Podcasts and Platforms: Sharing Nomadic Journeys

For those interested in their tales, the World Wanderers Podcast is available on platforms like Spreaker and Apple Podcasts. Each week on the podcast, we are joined by different guests, sharing their unique experiences, from eating great food, mostly Mexican food, to learning new languages and exploring the culture of different places.

Alyssa Padgett recently shared her episode on Tokyo, where she spent 5 days in central Osaka, highlighting her visits to the Tsukiji fish market and Universal Studios Japan. Another memorable episode features their travels to Yudanaka and Shibu Onsen in Nagano Prefecture, where they enjoyed the onsens and the delightful sight of snow monkeys.

Adventures and Challenges: Life as a World Wanderer

However, life as a world wanderer isn't always about the glamorous side of travel. Many digital traveler face challenges, such as finding remote work or adjusting to a new place's culture. Sarah Karshovski mentioned in the podcast that she had adopted a dog named Mitko and how they arranged their travels to accommodate their furry friend. She also shared her journey as a traveler and how she has been delivering global talks on her areas of expertise.

Yet, the World Wanderers Podcast is not just about travel. They also discuss topics like becoming a VA, emphasizing that a VA is a great career for travelers. The show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, and those interested in advertising can reach out to them directly.

In conclusion, the world of d-nomads is vast and varied. From the adventures of Sarah Karshovski and Alyssa Padgett to the practical advice on the World Wanderers Podcast, there's something for everyone. For those inspired to take the leap, remember the words of these seasoned travelers: "Take you with us on our journey, and let the adventures don’t stop."

Traveling the World by RV and Beyond

In 2022, as the world continued to adapt to new norms, the trend of traveling the world by RV surged in popularity. But beyond the RV adventures, some wanderers sought different horizons. For instance, the tales of backpackers who ventured into New Zealand as 22-year-olds on a tight Zealand as 22-year old budget became legendary in the nomadic community. New Zealand, for many, became the country we both feel most connected to and where they feel most at home.

On the other side of the globe, the adventures in Mexico captured the attention of many digital nomads. This week on the podcast, we're joined by Heath, a recruiter turned full-time d-nomad. “We’re Amanda and Heath, and if we’re being honest, our journey was nothing short of extraordinary,” they started. As they continued their story, one could almost feel the bustling streets of Tokyo, for we're joining you from Tokyo this episode.

Travel and couldn't imagine life any other way,” Amanda confessed. In the heart of their adventures, Mitko and Sarah, the beloved nomadic couple, shared an unexpected twist: “Mitko and Sarah haven’t travelled with their dog.” That's right, they haven’t travelled with their dog. This revelation was a shocker to many who've been following their journey. "We've been learning so much about the responsibilities and joys of pet ownership on the go," Sarah added.

In a world that's constantly changing, the nomadic community is committed to creating a more equitable future for all. Discussions about creating a more equitable future have been at the forefront, especially after the challenges of the last 8 years.

Amanda shared about the time in Kanazawa and the unexpected friendship that blossomed when their paths crossed outside a Starbucks in Kanazawa. The dog with Mitko story, their time in Kobe and Nara, and the experiences including the Osaka nightlife were highlights of the episode.

The series Japan Part 3 and Japan Part 2 delved deeper into the nuances of their journey. “Tokyo and talking about the food, especially the sushi at the Tsukiji Fish Market, were our favorites," Heath reminisced. Amanda chipped in, “To share what life has been like traveling Japan and detailing the life in Mexico was so enriching.”

The narrative took another turn when Heath narrated how he got into working remotely and the joys of discovering remote work. The challenges he faced, especially when required to fly back home on short notice, showcased the resilience of a d-nomad. Amanda, on the other hand, took listeners on a gastronomic journey, emphasizing the food they try everywhere they go. She particularly gushed about the highlights from visiting restaurants and arcades in Japan.

“We’ve had always valuable take-aways from each country, each city,” Amanda said, “Like understanding what a city is like from a local's perspective or the subtle art of work and career balance while being on the move.”

Their journey as entrepreneurs and parents of two beautiful kiddos also added depth to their narrative. The couple emphasized how they couldn’t imagine going back to a 9-5 routine after tasting the boundless freedom of nomadic life.

In a poignant moment, Heath shared the story of their dog and how they arranged for its care while they were away. Their adventures, spanning from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to the tranquil onsens of Yudanaka and Shibu Onsen, were captivating.

As the podcast episode drew to a close, the duo left listeners with a nugget of wisdom: "Every journey, be it through vibrant cities or tranquil landscapes, holds lessons. Embrace them."

Embracing New Horizons

Traveling the world by RV has opened up vistas of landscapes and cultures that few get to experience. It's a unique way to see the world, but there are also other adventurous ways to embrace the journey. For instance, embarking on a journey to New Zealand as a 22-year-old can be both challenging and rewarding. Many young travelers find themselves navigating the breathtaking landscapes of the country, facing the complexities of budgeting and truly learning the art of travel.

As they venture further, they find themselves talking about their travels to anyone who'd listen, sharing tales of the astonishing food they try, the people they meet, and the lessons they learn. Every country, every city, and every village has its own story, and every meal becomes a testament to the culinary delights of that region.

When they finished that trip, their backpacks were heavier with memories and experiences. The journey as travelers is never just about the destinations; it's about the growth, understanding, and the incredible stories that come with every step.

In the modern era, one of the always valuable take-aways from these travels is the discovering of remote work. The world is more connected than ever, and the traditional 9-5 office setting is no longer the only path. Today's travelers are finding ways to combine their passion for exploration with the practicality of earning a living, no matter where the road takes them.

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